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  • niteria's avatar
    Kill varSetElems in injImproveEqns · 82538f65
    niteria authored
    We want to remove varSetElems at the source level because it
    might be a source of nondeterminism. I don't think it introduces
    nondeterminism here, but it's easy to do the same thing
    deterministically for the same price.
    instFlexiTcS :: [TKVar] -> TcS (TCvSubst, [TcType])
    instFlexiTcS currently gives the range of the produced substitution
    as the second element of the tuple, but it's not used anywhere
    right now. If it started to be used in the code I'm modifying
    it would cause nondeterminism problems.
    Test Plan: ./validate
    Reviewers: austin, goldfire, bgamari, simonmar, simonpj
    Reviewed By: simonpj
    Subscribers: thomie
    Differential Revision:
    GHC Trac Issues: #4012