* For ByteArray-based bounds-checking, the JavaScript backend must use the `len` field, instead of the inbuild JavaScript `length` field. * Range-based operations must also check both the start and end of the range for bounds * All indicies are valid for ranges of size zero, since they are essentially no-ops * For cases of ByteArray accesses (e.g. read as Int), the end index is (i * sizeof(type) + sizeof(type) - 1), while the previous implementation uses (i + sizeof(type) - 1). In the Int32 example, this is (i * 4 + 3) * IndexByteArrayOp_Word8As* primitives use byte array indicies (unlike the previous point), but now check both start and end indicies * Byte array copies now check if the arrays are the same by identity and then if the ranges overlap.
* For ByteArray-based bounds-checking, the JavaScript backend must use the `len` field, instead of the inbuild JavaScript `length` field. * Range-based operations must also check both the start and end of the range for bounds * All indicies are valid for ranges of size zero, since they are essentially no-ops * For cases of ByteArray accesses (e.g. read as Int), the end index is (i * sizeof(type) + sizeof(type) - 1), while the previous implementation uses (i + sizeof(type) - 1). In the Int32 example, this is (i * 4 + 3) * IndexByteArrayOp_Word8As* primitives use byte array indicies (unlike the previous point), but now check both start and end indicies * Byte array copies now check if the arrays are the same by identity and then if the ranges overlap.
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