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  • Tamar Christina's avatar
    testsuite: force plugin tests sequentially on Windows. · b290f15c
    Tamar Christina authored
    Package registration does not seem to be thread-safe on
    Windows.  Placing the system under heavily load seems to
    trigger registration failures even though they are all
    different package-dbs.   This makes the plugin tests
    a bit flaky.
    I think this is because on Windows we use pessimistic locks
    while on Linux we use atomic file replacement.
    On Windows ReplaceFile is atomic, just the metadata write
    may not be.  Since the metadata is not of importance
    we should either switch over to ReplaceFile or
    fix the locking code to not error out but wait.
    For now however I have to force these 25 tests to run
    serially in order to guarantee their correctness.
    Test Plan: ./validate
    Reviewers: bgamari
    Subscribers: rwbarton, thomie, carter
    GHC Trac Issues: #15313, #13194
    Differential Revision: