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  • Herbert Valerio Riedel's avatar
    Don't pass CC= explicitly to `./configure` scripts · baed2f5a
    Herbert Valerio Riedel authored
    This is a follow-up to fcc6b1de / D1608 which is made possible
    by the recent Cabal update:
    As `ghc-cabal` is called with `--with-gcc`, this gets passed to `./configure`
    as `CC=...` argument. So we don't need to set `CC=...` ourselves explicitly again.
    Prior to the changes in Cabal (pulled in via  0bf0cf93) and fcc6b1de,
    `./configure` scripts would be called with a `--with-cc` argument followed by a
    `--with-gcc` argument.
    After this commit, `./configure` will be passed a single `CC=...` argument
    constructed by the `Cabal` library.
    Reviewed By: erikd
    Differential Revision: