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  • rwbarton's avatar
    Add missing parentheses in eqBigNatWord# · c55f61ca
    rwbarton authored
    I'm pretty sure that parentheses were intended here. But oddly, they
    make very little difference.
    The presumably intended expression
        (sizeofBigNat# bn ==# 1#) `andI#` (bigNatToWord bn `eqWord#` w#)
    is 1# exactly when bn consists of a single limb equal to w#, clearly.
    In the original expression
        sizeofBigNat# bn ==# 1# `andI#` (bigNatToWord bn `eqWord#` w#)
    the right-hand side of ==# is always 0# or 1#. So it is 1# when bn
    consists of a single limb equal to w#. It is also 1# when bn has
    zero limbs and the word past the end of bn does not happen to be
    equal to w#. So in practice the difference is that nullBigNat was
    eqBigNatWord# to almost everything, but eqBigNatWord# is never
    supposed to be called on nullBigNat anyways.
    Note that even the corrected version might perform an out-of-bounds
    memory access if passed nullBigNat, because `andI#` is not guaranteed
    to short-circuit, though in fact GHC does convert isZeroBigNat to a
    series of branches in my local build.
    Test Plan: validate
    Reviewers: hvr, bgamari, goldfire, austin
    Reviewed By: hvr, bgamari
    Subscribers: thomie
    Differential Revision: