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  • Adam Gundry's avatar
    Allow WARNING pragmas to be controlled with custom categories · f932c589
    Adam Gundry authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    Closes #17209. This implements GHC Proposal 541, allowing a WARNING
    pragma to be annotated with a category like so:
        {-# WARNING in "x-partial" head "This function is undefined on empty lists." #-}
    The user can then enable, disable and set the severity of such warnings
    using command-line flags `-Wx-partial`, `-Werror=x-partial` and so on.  There
    is a new warning group `-Wextended-warnings` containing all these warnings.
    Warnings without a category are treated as if the category was `deprecations`,
    and are (still) controlled by the flags `-Wdeprecations`
    and `-Wwarnings-deprecations`.
    Updates Haddock submodule.