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  • Michael Sloan's avatar
    Modifications to support loading GHC into GHCi · 60ecf43a
    Michael Sloan authored and Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari committed
    This change was previously part of
    [D4904](, but is being split off
    to aid in getting this reviewed and merged.
    * The compiler code is built with `NoImplicitPrelude`, but GHCi's
      modules are incompatible with it. So, this adds the pragma to all GHCi
      modules that didn't have it, and adds imports of Prelude.
    * In order to run GHC within itself, a `call of 'initGCStatistics`
      needed to be skipped. This uses CPP to skip it when
      `-DGHC_LOADED_INTO_GHCI` is set.
    * There is an environment variable workaround suggested by Ben Gamari
      [1], where `_GHC_TOP_DIR` can be used to specify GHC's top dir if `-B`
      isn't provided.  This can be used to solve a problem where the GHC being
      run within GHCi attempts to look in `inplace/lib/lib/` instead of
    Reviewers: goldfire, bgamari, erikd, alpmestan
    Reviewed By: alpmestan
    Subscribers: alpmestan, lelf, rwbarton, thomie, carter
    Differential Revision: