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  • John Ericson's avatar
    Substitute bindist files with Hadrian not configure · adba68e7
    John Ericson authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    The `ghc-toolchain` overhaul will eventually replace all this stuff with
    something much more cleaned up, but I think it is still worth making
    this sort of cleanup in the meantime so other untanglings and dead code
    cleaning can procede.
    I was able to delete a fair amount of dead code doing this too.
    `LLVMTarget_CPP` is renamed to / merged with `LLVMTarget` because it
    wasn't actually turned into a valid CPP identifier. (Original to
    1345c7cc, actually.)
    Progress on #23966
    Co-Authored-By: default avatarSylvain Henry <>