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Commit 3c795856 authored by Andreas Klebinger's avatar Andreas Klebinger
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Update dominator code with fixes from the dom-lt package.

Two bugs turned out in the package that have been fixed since.
This MR includes this fixes in the GHC port of the code.
parent b1eb38a0
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Pipeline #23743 failed
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, BangPatterns, FlexibleContexts, Strict #-}
{- |
Module : Dominators
Module : Data.Graph.Dom
Copyright : (c) Matt Morrow 2009
License : BSD3
Maintainer : <>
Stability : experimental
Maintainer : <>
Stability : stable
Portability : portable
Taken from the dom-lt package.
The Lengauer-Tarjan graph dominators algorithm.
\[1\] Lengauer, Tarjan,
......@@ -22,7 +20,11 @@
/Interference Graphs for Procedures in Static Single/
/Information Form are Interval Graphs/, 2007.
Originally taken from the dom-lt package.
* Strictness
Unless stated otherwise all exposed functions might fully evaluate their input
but are not guaranteed to do so.
module GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Dominators (
......@@ -39,11 +41,12 @@ module GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Dominators (
) where
import GHC.Prelude
import Data.Monoid(Monoid(..))
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Tree
import Data.List
import Data.IntMap(IntMap)
import Data.IntSet(IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
......@@ -53,12 +56,9 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST.Strict
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Base hiding ((!))
-- (unsafeNewArray_
-- ,unsafeWrite,unsafeRead
-- ,readArray,writeArray)
import GHC.Utils.Misc (debugIsOn)
import Data.Array.Base
......@@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ idomM = do
n <- gets dfsE
forM_ [n,n-1..1] (\i-> do
w <- ndfsM i
sw <- sdnoM w
ps <- predsM w
forM_ ps (\v-> do
sw <- sdnoM w
u <- eval v
su <- sdnoM u
when (su < sw)
......@@ -291,9 +291,10 @@ dfsDom i = do
initEnv :: Rooted -> ST s (Env s)
initEnv (r0,g0) = do
-- Graph renumbered to indices from 1 to |V|
let (g,rnmap) = renum 1 g0
pred = predG g
r = rnmap IM.! r0
pred = predG g -- reverse graph
root = rnmap IM.! r0 -- renamed root
n = IM.size g
ns = [0..n]
m = n+1
......@@ -315,13 +316,14 @@ initEnv (r0,g0) = do
ndfs <- newI m
dfn <- newI m
-- Initialize all arrays
forM_ [0..n] (doms.=0)
forM_ [0..n] (sdno.=0)
forM_ [1..n] (size.=1)
forM_ [0..n] (ancestor.=0)
forM_ [0..n] (child.=0)
(doms.=r) r
(doms.=root) root
(size.=0) 0
(label.=0) 0
......@@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ initEnv (r0,g0) = do
{rnE = rna
,dfsE = 0
,zeroE = 0
,rootE = r
,rootE = root
,labelE = label
,parentE = parent
,ancestorE = ancestor
......@@ -364,11 +366,11 @@ domM = fetch domE
rootM :: Dom s Node
rootM = gets rootE
succsM :: Node -> Dom s [Node]
succsM i = gets (IS.toList . (! i) . succE)
succsM i = gets (IS.toList . (!i) . succE)
predsM :: Node -> Dom s [Node]
predsM i = gets (IS.toList . (! i) . predE)
predsM i = gets (IS.toList . (!i) . predE)
bucketM :: Node -> Dom s [Node]
bucketM i = gets (IS.toList . (! i) . bucketE)
bucketM i = gets (IS.toList . (!i) . bucketE)
sizeM :: Node -> Dom s Int
sizeM = fetch sizeE
sdnoM :: Node -> Dom s Int
......@@ -400,21 +402,16 @@ type Arr s a = A s Int a
infixl 9 !:
infixr 2 .=
-- | arr .= x idx => write x to index
(.=) :: (MArray (A s) a (ST s))
=> Arr s a -> a -> Int -> ST s ()
(v .= x) i
| debugIsOn = writeArray v i x
| otherwise = unsafeWrite v i x
(v .= x) i = unsafeWrite v i x
(!:) :: (MArray (A s) a (ST s))
=> A s Int a -> Int -> ST s a
a !: i
| debugIsOn = do
o <- readArray a i
return $! o
| otherwise = do
o <- unsafeRead a i
return $! o
a !: i = do
o <- unsafeRead a i
return $! o
new :: (MArray (A s) a (ST s))
=> Int -> ST s (Arr s a)
......@@ -423,30 +420,10 @@ new n = unsafeNewArray_ (0,n-1)
newI :: Int -> ST s (Arr s Int)
newI = new
-- newD :: Int -> ST s (Arr s Double)
-- newD = new
-- dump :: (MArray (A s) a (ST s)) => Arr s a -> ST s [a]
-- dump a = do
-- (m,n) <- getBounds a
-- forM [m..n] (\i -> a!:i)
writes :: (MArray (A s) a (ST s))
=> Arr s a -> [(Int,a)] -> ST s ()
writes a xs = forM_ xs (\(i,x) -> (a.=x) i)
-- arr :: (MArray (A s) a (ST s)) => [a] -> ST s (Arr s a)
-- arr xs = do
-- let n = length xs
-- a <- new n
-- go a n 0 xs
-- return a
-- where go _ _ _ [] = return ()
-- go a n i (x:xs)
-- | i <= n = (a.=x) i >> go a n (i+1) xs
-- | otherwise = return ()
(!) :: Monoid a => IntMap a -> Int -> a
(!) g n = maybe mempty id (IM.lookup n g)
......@@ -466,13 +443,11 @@ toEdges = concatMap (uncurry (fmap . (,))) . toAdj
predG :: Graph -> Graph
predG g = IM.unionWith IS.union (go g) g0
where g0 = fmap (const mempty) g
f :: IntMap IntSet -> Int -> IntSet -> IntMap IntSet
f m i a = foldl' (\m p -> IM.insertWith mappend p
go = flip IM.foldrWithKey mempty (\i a m ->
foldl' (\m p -> IM.insertWith mappend p
(IS.singleton i) m)
(IS.toList a)
go :: IntMap IntSet -> IntMap IntSet
go = flip IM.foldlWithKey' mempty f
(IS.toList a))
pruneReach :: Rooted -> Rooted
pruneReach (r,g) = (r,g2)
......@@ -522,41 +497,35 @@ collectI (<>) f g
(f a)
(g a) m) mempty
-- collect :: (Ord b) => (c -> c -> c)
-- -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> [a] -> Map b c
-- collect (<>) f g
-- = foldl' (\m a -> SM.insertWith (<>)
-- (f a)
-- (g a) m) mempty
-- | renum n g: Rename all nodes
-- Gives nodes sequential names starting at n.
-- Returns the new graph and a mapping.
-- (renamed, old -> new)
renum :: Int -> Graph -> (Graph, NodeMap Node)
renum from = (\(_,m,g)->(g,m))
. IM.foldlWithKey'
f (from,mempty,mempty)
f :: (Int, NodeMap Node, IntMap IntSet) -> Node -> IntSet
-> (Int, NodeMap Node, IntMap IntSet)
f (!n,!env,!new) i ss =
let (j,n2,env2) = go n env i
(n3,env3,ss2) = IS.fold
(\k (!n,!env,!new)->
case go n env k of
(l,n2,env2)-> (n2,env2,l `IS.insert` new))
(n2,env2,mempty) ss
new2 = IM.insertWith IS.union j ss2 new
in (n3,env3,new2)
go :: Int
-> NodeMap Node
-> Node
-> (Node,Int,NodeMap Node)
go !n !env i =
case IM.lookup i env of
Just j -> (j,n,env)
Nothing -> (n,n+1,IM.insert i n env)
. IM.foldrWithKey
(\i ss (!n,!env,!new)->
let (j,n2,env2) = go n env i
(n3,env3,ss2) = IS.fold
(\k (!n,!env,!new)->
case go n env k of
(l,n2,env2)-> (n2,env2,l `IS.insert` new))
(n2,env2,mempty) ss
new2 = IM.insertWith IS.union j ss2 new
in (n3,env3,new2)) (from,mempty,mempty)
where go :: Int
-> NodeMap Node
-> Node
-> (Node,Int,NodeMap Node)
go !n !env i =
case IM.lookup i env of
Just j -> (j,n,env)
Nothing -> (n,n+1,IM.insert i n env)
-- Nothing better than reinvinting the state monad.
newtype S z s a = S {unS :: forall o. (a -> s -> ST z o) -> s -> ST z o}
instance Functor (S z s) where
fmap f (S g) = S (\k -> g (k . f))
......@@ -594,4 +563,3 @@ fetch :: (MArray (A z) a (ST z))
fetch f i = do
a <- gets f
st (a!:i)
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