Run time increases by 40% in fractal plotter core loop
I'm writing a toy fractal plotter to teach myself some Haskell. For a while I used GHC 7.4, recently upgraded to 7.10, and found a significant drop in run time performance. Tests with other versions show that the drop dates back to 7.8.
Not sure if this is a good practice, or if this is relevant here, but I used bangs to improve performance by adding strictness: this gives a good speedup with 7.4/7.6, but perf is unchanged with 7.8/7.10.
version | run time (sec) - bangs | no bangs |
7.4.2 | 6.09 | 18.73 |
7.6.3 | 6.10 | 18.93 |
7.8.4 | 8.92 | 8.88 |
7.10.1 | 8.92 | 9.04 |
(All builds with ghc -O2.)
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
iterations :: Int -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Int -> Int
iterations !maxK !x !y !x0 !y0 !k =
let !x2 = x * x
!y2 = y * y
if k == maxK || x2 + y2 > 4
then k
else iterations maxK (x2 - y2 + x0) (2 * x * y + y0) x0 y0 (k + 1)
inSet :: Int -> Int -> (Double, Double) -> Bool
inSet !minK !maxK (!x, !y) = k >= minK && k < maxK
where !k = iterations maxK x y x y 0
main = do
let pointSource = repeat $ ((-0.6518209274278592), 0.3549264214581329)
nPoints = 1000 * 1000
points = take nPoints pointSource
selected = filter (inSet 1000 (1000 * 20)) points
print $ length selected == nPoints
The host C compiler is gcc 4.7.2.
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 7.8.4 |
Type | Bug |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | normal |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Compiler |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
Related | |
Blocking | |
CC | |
Operating system | |
Architecture |