Rewrite rules not applied exhaustively when simplifying from plugin
Consider this program:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O -fplugin TestPlugin #-}
module Test where
foo :: Int -> Int
foo = id
{-# INLINE [0] foo #-}
"foo1" [1] foo 1 = foo 2
"foo2" [1] foo 2 = foo 3
fun :: Int -> Int -> Int
fun = (+)
{-# NOINLINE fun #-}
test = foo 1 `fun` foo 2
I would expect that one run of the simplifier in phase 1
will turn this into
test = foo 3 `fun` foo 3
I am using this plugin to test this:
module TestPlugin where
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad
import GhcPlugins
import Simplify
import CoreStats
import SimplMonad
import FamInstEnv
import SimplEnv
-- Plugin boiler plate
plugin :: Plugin
plugin = defaultPlugin { installCoreToDos = install }
install :: [CommandLineOption] -> [CoreToDo] -> CoreM [CoreToDo]
install _ (simpl:xs) = return $ simpl : pass : xs
where pass = CoreDoPluginPass "Test" testPass
-- The plugin
testPass :: ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
testPass guts = do
let [expr] = [ e | NonRec v e <- mg_binds guts
, occNameString (occName v) == "test" ]
simplified_expression <- simplify guts expr
putMsg $
text "Test" $$
nest 4 (hang (text "Before" <> colon) 4 (ppr expr)) $$
nest 4 (hang (text "After" <> colon) 4 (ppr simplified_expression))
liftIO $ exitFailure
-- A simplifier
simplify :: ModGuts -> CoreExpr -> CoreM CoreExpr
simplify guts expr = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
let dflags' = dflags { ufVeryAggressive = True }
us <- liftIO $ mkSplitUniqSupply 's'
let sz = exprSize expr
rule_base <- getRuleBase
vis_orphs <- getVisibleOrphanMods
let rule_base2 = extendRuleBaseList rule_base (mg_rules guts)
let rule_env = RuleEnv rule_base2 vis_orphs
(expr', _) <- liftIO $ initSmpl dflags' rule_env emptyFamInstEnvs us sz $
simplExpr (simplEnv 1) >=> simplExpr (simplEnv 1) $
return expr'
simplEnv :: Int -> SimplEnv
simplEnv p = mkSimplEnv $ SimplMode { sm_names = ["Test"]
, sm_phase = Phase p
, sm_rules = True
, sm_inline = True
, sm_eta_expand = True
, sm_case_case = True }
But I get:
$ ghc-head -package ghc Test.hs
[1 of 2] Compiling TestPlugin ( TestPlugin.hs, TestPlugin.o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Test ( Test.hs, Test.o )
Before: fun (foo (GHC.Types.I# 1#)) (foo (GHC.Types.I# 2#))
After: fun (foo (GHC.Types.I# 2#)) (foo (GHC.Types.I# 3#))
If I however compile this without the plugin, and look at what’s happening with -dverbose-core2core
, I observe this:
test :: Int
test = fun (foo (GHC.Types.I# 1#)) (foo (GHC.Types.I# 2#))
==================== Simplifier ====================
Max iterations = 4
SimplMode {Phase = 1 [main],
test :: Int
test = fun (foo (GHC.Types.I# 3#)) (foo (GHC.Types.I# 3#))
So what am I doing wrong in my plugin? Any help is appreciated.
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 8.1 |
Type | Bug |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | normal |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | GHC API |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
Related | |
Blocking | |
CC | |
Operating system | |
Architecture |