GHC does not error on invalid RTS -K option
I'm having an issue with GHC 8.4.4, having compiled a binary with -rts-opts=all, when passing "+RTS -K1k -RTS" at runtime I don't think the stack limit is being honoured (I don't get any StackOverflows) - I tried other values to force it further, like -K1 but that also did nothing, so I tried presumably invalid values like -Kinvalid and my program ran normally.
To confirm that I do have -rts-opts capabilities I passed other params inside the +RTS/-RTS, like --help; I do get output (the help output lists -K as expected), and when passing -M1k the program fails immediately and I have to fiddle with values for -M until it works.
When passing invalid options to -M the RTS complains, too: "error in RTS option -Minvalid: size outside allowed range (4096 - 18446744073709551615)"
This does not happen with -Kinvalid.
Steps to reproduce
- Provide "+RTS -Kinvalid -RTS" to a binary compiled with GHC 8.4.4.
- Provide "+RTS -K1k -RTS" to a binary compiled with GHC 8.4.4.
Expected behavior
- I expect an RTS error due to the invalid param.
- I expect the program to run, but to provide a StackOverflow due to the stack size being too small.
- GHC version used: Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 8.4.4, stage 2 booted by GHC version 8.4.4
- Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
- System Architecture: x86_64