Coercible constraints should be picked arbitrarily
constraints should be picked arbitrarily, in the absence of other, computationally-relevant constraints.
Steps to reproduce
Consider the following program.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
import Data.IntMap (IntMap, mapKeysMonotonic, Key)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
newtype MyMap = MyMap (IntMap Bool)
doesn'tWork :: (Key -> Key) -> MyMap -> MyMap
doesn'tWork = coerce mapKeysMonotonic
works :: (Key -> Key) -> MyMap -> MyMap
works = coerce (mapKeysMonotonic @Bool)
has type
(Key -> Key) -> IntMap a -> IntMap a
and we attempt to coerce it to type
(Key -> Key) -> MyMap -> MyMap
since MyMap
is a newtype
around IntMap Bool
this ends up
generating the constraint
Coercible a Bool
and there is no way to specify that constraint given that a
otherwise appear in the top-level type. Hence doesn'tWork
will not
type check. If I force the type of a
to be Bool
using a
then it does type check (works).
But is this a missing feature of GHC's Coercible system? Since a is
not otherwise constrained is it not valid for GHC to choose it to be
? Coercible instances contain no observable content so no
observable behaviour could depend on the particular choice of Coercible a Bool
instance, and choosing a ~ Bool
is the natural one.
(Discussed earlier on haskell-cafe)
Expected behavior
GHC picks a ~ Bool
GHC 8.10, 9.2