GHC panics when compiling code generated from Agda with profiling enabled
I'm running into a problem with GHC where I'm trying to compile some code generated from Agda using MAlonzo. GHC panics with the following error message:
[200 of 539] Compiling MAlonzo.Code.Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties ( MAlonzo/Code/Relation/Binary/PropositionalEquality/Properties.hs, dist/build/MAlonzo/Code/Relation/Binary/PropositionalEquality/Properties.p_o )
<no location info>: error:
panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
GHC version 9.8.2:
((scc<du_isDecEquivalence_398> v0_s41vj)
`cast` (Sub (Sym Univ(nominal CorePrep
:: Any, Any -> Any -> T_Dec_20))
:: (Any -> Any -> T_Dec_20) ~R# Any))
`cast` (SelCo:Fun(arg)
(Sub Univ(nominal CorePrep
:: Any -> Any, (Any -> Any -> T_Dec_20) -> T_IsDecEquivalence_44))
:: Any ~R# (Any -> Any -> T_Dec_20))
Call stack:
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
callStackDoc, called at compiler/GHC/Utils/Panic.hs:191:37 in ghc-9.8.2-inplace:GHC.Utils.Panic
pprPanic, called at compiler/GHC/CoreToStg.hs:605:17 in ghc-9.8.2-inplace:GHC.CoreToStg
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
panic, called at compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs:503:29 in ghc-9.8.2-inplace:GHC.Utils.Error
Please report this as a GHC bug:
It also seems to fail in multiple other files with a similar error. The project builds fine if the --enable-profiling
flag is not set.
Steps to reproduce
- Clone the cardano-ledger-executable-spec repository
- Build the project using
cabal build --enable-profiling
Expected behavior
I expect the project to compile successfully
- GHC versions used: 9.2.8, 9.4.7, 9.6.4, 9.8.2
- Operating System: NixOS
Edited by Joosep Jääger