Using error in an impossible case makes code slower
I have spine-strict list and I define this (silly) operation on it:
data List a = Nil | Cons a !(List a) deriving Show
data Tup2 a b = Tup2 !a !b
fooA :: List a -> Tup2 (List a) (List a)
fooA xs = go xs xs
go Nil ys = Tup2 ys Nil
go (Cons _ xs) ys = case ys of
Nil -> error "impossible"
Cons y ys' -> case go xs ys' of
Tup2 s zs -> Tup2 s (Cons y zs)
Note the impossible case. I know one list cannot be exhausted before the other because they are the same list, so I mark the case as impossible.
I find that fooA
takes ~3.7ms on a list of length 100000.
I then make a small change where I replace the error
case with a value.
fooB :: List a -> Tup2 (List a) (List a)
fooB xs = go xs xs
go Nil ys = Tup2 ys Nil
go (Cons _ xs) ys = case ys of
Nil -> Tup2 Nil Nil -- impossible
Cons y ys' -> case go xs ys' of
Tup2 s zs -> Tup2 s (Cons y zs)
Now fooB
takes ~1ms on the same input list!
Benchmark code
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Test.Tasty.Bench
import Control.DeepSeq
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ bench "fooA" $ whnf fooA xs
, bench "fooB" $ whnf fooB xs
!xs = replicateL 100000 ()
data List a = Nil | Cons a !(List a) deriving Show
data Tup2 a b = Tup2 !a !b
fooA :: List a -> Tup2 (List a) (List a)
fooA xs = go xs xs
go Nil ys = Tup2 ys Nil
go (Cons _ xs) ys = case ys of
Nil -> error "impossible"
Cons y ys' -> case go xs ys' of
Tup2 s zs -> Tup2 s (Cons y zs)
{-# NOINLINE fooA #-}
fooB :: List a -> Tup2 (List a) (List a)
fooB xs = go xs xs
go Nil ys = Tup2 ys Nil
go (Cons _ xs) ys = case ys of
Nil -> Tup2 Nil Nil -- impossible
Cons y ys' -> case go xs ys' of
Tup2 s zs -> Tup2 s (Cons y zs)
{-# NOINLINE fooB #-}
replicateL :: Int -> a -> List a
replicateL n x
| n <= 0 = Nil
| otherwise = Cons x (replicateL (n-1) x)
fooA: OK
3.67 ms ± 359 μs, 9.6 MB allocated, 3.6 MB copied, 23 MB peak memory
fooB: OK
990 μs ± 52 μs, 3.8 MB allocated, 692 KB copied, 23 MB peak memory
What causes this difference?
To add some context, I encountered this when attempting to define tails
for a strict structure using something along the lines of \xs -> evalState (traverse (state unconsSure) xs) xs
, where we know that unconsSure
never gets an empty structure.
Steps to reproduce
Run the above code.
Expected behavior
I hope fooA
can be as fast as fooB
since the impossible case is better annotated in fooA
- GHC version used: 9.8.2