Invalid object in isRetainer() or Segfault
When compiling with -rtsopts -threaded -prof -fprof-auto -caf-all
and running with -N4 -hr
I get a "Segmentation fault" every time.
If I run with -N4 -qg1 -hr, I either get a segfault or internal error: Invalid object in isRetainer(): 40
When the segfault happens, it happens quickly. If the segfault doesn't happen, the program runs for about 5 seconds and I get "invalid object" error (always 40).
Without -hr, I have never gotten a segfault.
Edit (1/2015): This is still occurring under multiple threads in ghc 7.8.3. GHC options: -Wall -prof -fprof-auto -threaded -rtsopts Runtime Options: -N4 -hr -L1000
Edited by JamesM