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compiler: make -ddump-asm work with wasm backend NCG

Gavin Zhao requested to merge GZGavinZhao/ghc:dump-asm-wasm into master

Fixes #23503 (closed).

Where is the key part of this patch? That is, what should reviewers look at first?

Now the -ddump-asm flag is respected in the wasm backend NCG, so developers can directly view the generated ASM when compiling to WASM without needing to pass -S or -keep-tmp-files and manually find & open the assembly file.

Ideally, with refactoring, we should be able to output the assembly files in smaller chunks like in other NCG backends. This would also make dumping other assembly-related debug info (e.g. -ddump-asm-stats) possible in the future. However, the required refactoring would be much larger and more complex, so for short-term debugging purposes, I think the current approach works fine.

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  • ensure that your commits are either individually buildable or squashed
  • ensure that your commit messages describe what they do (referring to tickets using #NNNN syntax when appropriate)

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