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Unify the split hpc testsuites

BinderDavid requested to merge wip/unify-hpc-testsuites into master

Fixes #24195 (closed)

See the description in the issue.

This MR moves all the tests from the git-submodule libraries/hpc/tests to testsuite/tests/hpc, which already exists and contains some regression tests.

The main reason for merging the two testsuites in libraries/hpc/tests and testsuite/tests/hpc is developer experience. The tests which are contained in these testsuites are complex integration tests which test the interactino of the -fhpc code instrumentation, the hpc library and the hpc-bin binary. This meant that developers which change any part of these three components have to juggle multiple different MRs to different repositories (the main GHC repo, the hpc repo and the hpc-bin repo). Currently, we can observe this problem in !10140 (merged) which prompted this MR.

Edited by BinderDavid

Merge request reports