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compiler: introduce DynFlags plugins

Alp Mestanogullari requested to merge alp/ghc:wip/alp/dynflags-plugin into master

They have type [CommandLineOpts] -> Maybe (DynFlags -> IO DynFlags). All plugins that supply a non-Nothing dynflagsPlugin will see their updates applied to the current DynFlags right after the plugins are loaded.

One use case for this is to superseede !1580 (closed) for registering hooks from a plugin. Frontend/parser plugins were considered to achieve this but they respectively conflict with how this plugin field is going to be used (it's not to take over with a new frontend, I just need to register a hook) and don't allow overriding/modifying the DynFlags, which is how hooks have to be registered.

This commit comes with a test, test-hook-plugin, that registers a "fake" meta hook that replaces TH expressions with the 0 integer literal.

Edited by Alp Mestanogullari

Merge request reports