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WIP: configure: Add checking python3 and python3-sphinx

Takenobu Tani requested to merge takenobu-hs/ghc:wip/configure-py3-sphinx into master

This MR contains two updates.

First, add checking python3 in aclocal.m4 and

We need python3 instead of python2 for the following reasons:

  • To build documentation with python3-sphinx
  • To run testsuites
  • To deal with python2 expiration at the end of 2019

Second, add checking python3-sphinx in

We need python3-sphinx instead of python2-sphinx to build documentation. It is difficult to distinguish directly between sphinx for python3 and python2. Therefore, this commit tests by trying import as follows:

python3 -c "import sphinx"

If sphinx for python2 is installed, it can be detected as an error.

See also #17346 (closed) and #17356 (closed)

Merge request reports