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Run checkNewDataCon before constraint-solving newtype constructors

Ryan Scott requested to merge wip/T17955 into master

Within checkValidDataCon, we used to run checkValidType on the argument types of a newtype constructor before running checkNewDataCon, which ensures that the user does not attempt non-sensical things such as newtypes with multiple arguments or constraints. This works out in most situations, but this falls over on a corner case revealed in #17955 (closed):

newtype T = Coercible () T => T ()

checkValidType, among other things, peforms an ambiguity check on the context of a data constructor, and that it turn invokes the constraint solver. It turns out that there is a special case in the constraint solver for representational equalities (read: Coercible constraints) that causes newtypes to be unwrapped (see Note [Unwrap newtypes first] in TcCanonical). This special case does not know how to cope with an ill formed newtype like T, so it ends up panicking.

The solution is surprisingly simple: just invoke checkNewDataCon before checkValidType to ensure that the illicit newtype constructor context is detected before the constraint solver can run amok with it.

Fixes #17955 (closed).

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