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Stack unwinding (#18163)

Sven Tennie requested to merge wip/stack-unwinding into master

This MR enables GHC to provide backtraces/stacktraces by using the Info Table Provenance Entry Table (IPE table). For this neither DWARF nor profiling support is used.

The basic idea is:

  • The IPE table provides a map from Info Table pointers (addresses) to a descriptive source locations
  • GHC emits an IPE for every return frame at compile time
  • To get a stacktrace:
    • Clone the stack (to avoid concurrent modification issues)
    • Traverse the cloned stack and lookup the IPE for every return frame's info table (pointer)

The best entry to this MR is the user facing API: libraries/base/GHC/Stack/CloneStack.hs

A Quick Summary of the API

libraries/base/GHC/Stack/CloneStack.hs reduced to the most important type signatures:

-- | A frozen snapshot of the state of an execution stack.
-- @since
data StackSnapshot = StackSnapshot !StackSnapshot#

foreign import prim "stg_decodeStackzh" decodeStack# :: StackSnapshot# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Array# (Ptr InfoProvEnt) #)

foreign import prim "stg_cloneMyStackzh" cloneMyStack# :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, StackSnapshot# #)

foreign import prim "stg_sendCloneStackMessagezh" sendCloneStackMessage# :: ThreadId# -> StablePtr# PrimMVar -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, (# #) #)

-- | Clone the stack of the executing thread
-- @since
cloneMyStack :: IO StackSnapshot

-- | Clone the stack of a thread identified by its 'ThreadId'
-- @since
cloneThreadStack :: ThreadId -> IO StackSnapshot

-- | Represetation for the source location where a return frame was pushed on the stack.
-- This happens every time when a @case ... of@ scrutinee is evaluated.
data StackEntry = StackEntry
  { functionName :: String,
    moduleName :: String,
    srcLoc :: String,
    closureType :: Word
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Decode a 'StackSnapshot' to a stacktrace (a list of 'StackEntry').
-- The stacktrace is created from return frames with according 'InfoProv'
-- entries. To generate them, use the GHC flag @-finfo-table-map@. If there are
-- no 'InfoProv' entries, an empty list is returned.
-- @since
decode :: StackSnapshot -> IO [StackEntry]

Source Notes

The approach is documented in several source notes. The reviewer might want to read them after understanding the API described before.


The tests provide working examples of the API usage. Most significant is testsuite/tests/rts/decodeMyStack.hs.

The initial design was described by @bgamari in this comment: #18741 (comment 342188)

To get meaningful source locations from GHC's libraries, you need to use -finfo-table-map for them in Hadrian. For source locations in user code, it's sufficient to compile it with -finfo-table-map (no special build of GHC needed).


  • cloneStack# should be an ordinary C function (no primop) (Not possible)
  • Update Notes to describe the C interface
  • Decide if cloning and decoding should be two separate operations or not
  • Use Array# instead of MutableArray# to return decoding results
  • Return an array of Ptr InfoProvEnt on decoding (do lookupIPE directly in the RTS while decoding)
Edited by Sven Tennie

Merge request reports
