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Draft: Track changes in DmdAnal to avoid rebuilding expressions

Sebastian Graf requested to merge wip/tainted-dmdanal into master

This introduces a Tainted data type vendored from and heavily modified:

data Tainted a = Dirty a | Clean a -- impl a bit different, but this is the external interface

The resolution #19584 ultimately being the goal, I then used this new data type to refactor DmdAnal to track changes to the syntax tree with this data type, mostly to re-use the old expression when there was no change to it. Normally, this kind of change tracking has absolutely devastating impact on code readability, but with this new data type it feels much less so (although all the applicative combinators and what not bear some overhead).

This basically supersedes !5267 (closed) with a simpler interface and implementation. Here's what it looks like for App:

dmdAnal' env dmd e@(App fun arg)
  = let
        call_dmd          = mkCalledOnceDmd dmd
        S2 fun_ty fun'    = dmdAnal env call_dmd fun
        (arg_dmd, res_ty) = splitDmdTy fun_ty
        S2 arg_ty arg'    = dmdAnalStar env (dmdTransformThunkDmd arg arg_dmd) arg

-- this is the important line:
    in S2 (res_ty `plusDmdType` arg_ty) (setWhenClean e $ App <$> fun' <*> arg')

S2 is just a new strict pair data constructor of type SPair, the introduction of which I think was long overdue in GHC's code base.

The applicative combinators propagate Dirtyness. So if either fun' or arg' was dirty (which it is if some annotation in the respective subexpression changed), then we get a Dirty (App fun' arg'), basically. If both are Clean, then we get a Clean (App fun' arg'), for which we already have the equivalent expression e, so we call setWhenClean to replace the Clean value and won't even allocate App in the heap. Of course, this only begins to matter for huge expressions.

Other use cases are possible, like in CoreTidy in !5267 (closed).

I tried to translate all the bangs introduced by !5399 (closed) to the new impl, but may have failed to do so in some cases... At least it appears that ghc/alloc performance generally increases.

Edited by Andreas Klebinger

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