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Enhance cast worker/wrapper for INLINABLE

Simon Peyton Jones requested to merge wip/T19890 into master

In #19890 (closed) we realised that cast worker/wrapper didn't really work properly for functions with an INLINABLE pragma, and hence a stable unfolding. This patch fixes the problem.

Instead of disabling cast w/w when there is a stable unfolding (as we did before), we now tranfer the stable unfolding to the worker.

It turned out that it was easier to do that if I moved the cast w/w stuff from prepareBinding to completeBind.

Another merit of doing it in completeBind is this. If we have

   f = /\a.  e |> co

then in HEAD today prepareBinding turns this into

  f = /\a. let v = e in v |> co

and then simplLazyBind laboriously floats out the let to give

  v2 = /\a. e
  f = /\a. v2 a |> co

Then mkLam floats the coercion out to give

  v2 = /\a. e
  f = (/\a. v2 a) |> (forall a. co)

and now I think the next round of simplification may do another cast worker/wrapper.

This is bonkers. Doing cast w/w in completeBind finesses all of this.

Edited by Simon Peyton Jones

Merge request reports