Fix some problems with the hadrian produced bindist
- testsuite: Add more debug output on failure to call ghc-pkg
- hadrian: Call ghc-pkg recache after copying package database into bindist
- hadrian: Add exe suffix to executables in testsuite
- hadrian: Install windows bindist by copying in test_hadrian
- packaging: Don't include configure scripts in windows bindist (#19868 (closed))
- packaging: Add note about wrappers
- packaging: Create both versioned and unversioned executables (#20074 (closed))
- hadrian: Remove special haddock copying rule
- hadrian: Update hsc2hs wrapper to match current master
- packaging: Give ghc-pkg the same version as ProjectVersion (#20087 (closed))
- packaging: Be more precise about which executables to copy and wrappers to create
Edited by Matthew Pickering