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CallArity: Consider shadowing introduced by case and field binders

Sebastian Graf requested to merge wip/T20283 into master

In #20283 (closed), we saw a regression in simple due to CallArity for a very subtle reason: It simply didn't handle shadowing of case binders and constructor field binders!

The test case T20283 has a very interesting binding n_X1 that we want to eta-expand and that has a Unique (on GHC HEAD) that is reused by the Simplifier for a case binder:

  let { n_X1 = ... } in
      let {
          = ... case x_a1Rg of wild_X1 {
                  __DEFAULT -> f_s1Tx rho_value_awA (GHC.Types.I# wild_X1);
                  0# -> lvl_s1TN
                } ...
          } in
      letrec {
          = \ (x_X4 :: GHC.Prim.Int#) (v_a1P9 [OS=OneShot] :: Double) ->
              let {
                karg_s1Wu = ...
                                    case lvl_s1Ul of { GHC.Types.D# y_a1Qf ->
                    } } in
              case GHC.Prim.==# x_X4 y_a1R7 of {
                __DEFAULT -> go3_X3 (GHC.Prim.+# x_X4 1#) karg_s1Wu;
                1# -> n_X1 karg_s1Wu -- Here we will assume that karg calls n_X1!
              }; } in
      go3_X3 0#;

Since the Case case of CallArity doesn't delete X1 from the set of variables it is interested in knowing the usages of, we leak a very boring usage (of the case binder!) into the co-call graph that we mistakenly take for a usage of n_X1. We conclude that lvl_s1Ul and transitively karg_s1Wu call n_X1 when really they don't. That culminates in the conclusion that n_X1 karg_s1Wu calls n_X1 more than once. Wrong!

Fortunately, this bug will never lead to a CallArity that is too optimistic. So by fixing this bug, we get strictly more opportunities for CallArity and all of them should be sound to exploit.

Fixes #20283 (closed).

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