Add Index built-in type-family (#19238)
Proposal: Add Index
, a built-in type-family allowing indexing of a type-level list with a Nat without requiring intermediate coercion steps.
It is equivalent to the following user-defined type family:
type family Index n xs where
Index 0 (x:_) = x
Index n (_:xs) = Index (n-1) xs
But the resulting is much less verbose. For example in the new IndexFamily
test we get the following Core:
x :: Index 4 '[Float, Double, String, Char, Int, Word]
x = IndexFamily.x1
`cast` (Sub (Sym (IndexDef (<4>_N,
<'[Float, Double, String, Char, Int, Word]>_N)))
:: Int ~R# Index 4 '[Float, Double, String, Char, Int, Word])
instead of the following one with the user-defined family:
x :: Index 4 '[Float, Double, String, Char, Int, Word]
x = IndexFamily.x1
`cast` (Sub (Sym (IndexFamily.D:R:Index[0]
<*>_N <Int>_N <'[Word]>_N))
; (Index <*>_N (Sym (SubDef (<1>_N, <1>_N))) <'[Int, Word]>_N)_R
; Sub (Sym (IndexFamily.D:R:Index[1]
<*>_N <1>_N <Char>_N <'[Int, Word]>_N))
; (Index
<*>_N (Sym (SubDef (<2>_N, <1>_N))) <'[Char, Int, Word]>_N)_R
; Sub (Sym (IndexFamily.D:R:Index[1]
<*>_N <2>_N <[Char]>_N <'[Char, Int, Word]>_N))
; (Index
(Sym (SubDef (<3>_N, <1>_N)))
<'[[Char], Char, Int, Word]>_N)_R
; Sub (Sym (IndexFamily.D:R:Index[1]
<*>_N <3>_N <Double>_N <'[String, Char, Int, Word]>_N))
; (Index
(Sym (SubDef (<4>_N, <1>_N)))
<'[Double, [Char], Char, Int, Word]>_N)_R
; Sub (Sym (IndexFamily.D:R:Index[1]
<*>_N <4>_N <Float>_N <'[Double, String, Char, Int, Word]>_N))
:: Int ~R# Index 4 '[Float, Double, String, Char, Int, Word])
Note that if we manage to generate smaller coercions for the user-defined family (cf #8095), we will just have to remove the built-in axioms. In the mean time, the built-in family is needed, e.g. to define generic sums.
Edited by Simon Peyton Jones