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Change CaseAlt and LambdaExpr to FunRhs in deriving Foldable and Traversable (#20496)

Artyom Kuznetsov requested to merge hithroc/ghc:T20496 into master

Fix for #20496 (closed) as well as some other cleanups.

Derived instances for Foldable and Traversable used to generate FunBinds with CaseAlt and LambdaExpr in them which caused panic in pprMatch and weird pretty printing output like this:

instance Foldable T where
  \ f z (MkT a1) -> f a1 z -- lambda match?
  f -> f a1 -- case match?
  null (MkT _) = False

I couldn't find a reason why LambdaExpr and CaseAlt were used there, but replacing them with FunRhs worked out nicely, no more panics and the pretty printing output makes more sense:

instance Foldable T where
  foldr f z (MkT a1) = f a1 z
  foldMap f (MkT a1) = f a1
  null (MkT _) = False

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