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John Ericson requested to merge Ericson2314/ghc:reformat-settings into master

We're might be about to switch to generating it in Hadrian/Make. This reformat makes it easier to programmingmatically generate and end up with the exact same thing, which is good for diffing to ensure no regressions.

I had this as part of !712 (closed), but given the difficulty of satisfying CI, I figured I should break things up even further.

CC @angerman

Please take a few moments to verify that your commits fulfill the following:

  • are either individually buildable or squashed
  • have commit messages which describe what they do (referring to Notes and tickets using #NNNN syntax when appropriate)
  • have added source comments describing your change. For larger changes you likely should add a Note and cross-reference it from the relevant places.
  • add a testcase to the testsuite.
  • if your MR affects library interfaces (e.g. changes base) please add the ~"user facing" label.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to open your merge request and inquire in a comment. If your patch isn't quite done yet please do add prefix your MR title with WIP:.

Edited by John Ericson

Merge request reports