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Perf: inline exprIsCheapX

Sylvain Henry requested to merge hsyl20/ghc:hsyl20/perf-exprIsCheapX into master

Allow specialization of the ok_app predicate.

                           Test    Metric         value     New value Change 
       ManyAlternatives(normal) ghc/alloc   747317244.0   746444024.0  -0.1% 
       ManyConstructors(normal) ghc/alloc  4005046448.0  4001548792.0  -0.1% 
      MultiLayerModules(normal) ghc/alloc  3063361000.0  3063178472.0  -0.0% 
MultiLayerModulesRecomp(normal) ghc/alloc   894208428.0   894252496.0  +0.0% 
              PmSeriesG(normal) ghc/alloc    48021692.0    47901592.0  -0.3% 
              PmSeriesS(normal) ghc/alloc    61322504.0    61149008.0  -0.3% 
              PmSeriesT(normal) ghc/alloc    90879364.0    90609048.0  -0.3% 
              PmSeriesV(normal) ghc/alloc    60155376.0    59983632.0  -0.3% 
                 T10421(normal) ghc/alloc   112820720.0   112517208.0  -0.3% 
                T10421a(normal) ghc/alloc    78783696.0    78557896.0  -0.3% 
                 T10547(normal) ghc/alloc    28331984.0    28354160.0  +0.1% 
                 T10858(normal) ghc/alloc   180715296.0   180226720.0  -0.3% 
                 T11195(normal) ghc/alloc   284139184.0   283981048.0  -0.1% 
                 T11276(normal) ghc/alloc   137830804.0   137688912.0  -0.1% 
                T11303b(normal) ghc/alloc    44080856.0    43956152.0  -0.3% 
                 T11374(normal) ghc/alloc   249319644.0   249059288.0  -0.1% 
                 T11545(normal) ghc/alloc   971507488.0   971146136.0  -0.0% 
                 T11822(normal) ghc/alloc   131410208.0   131269664.0  -0.1% 
                 T12150(optasm) ghc/alloc    78866860.0    78762296.0  -0.1% 
                 T12227(normal) ghc/alloc   494467900.0   494138112.0  -0.1% 
                 T12234(optasm) ghc/alloc    56781044.0    56588256.0  -0.3% 
                 T12425(optasm) ghc/alloc    90462264.0    90240272.0  -0.2% 
                 T12545(normal) ghc/alloc  1694316588.0  1694128448.0  -0.0% 
                 T12707(normal) ghc/alloc   955665168.0   955005336.0  -0.1% 
                 T13035(normal) ghc/alloc   101875160.0   101713312.0  -0.2% 
                 T13056(optasm) ghc/alloc   366370168.0   365347632.0  -0.3% 
                 T13253(normal) ghc/alloc   333741472.0   332612920.0  -0.3% 
             T13253-spj(normal) ghc/alloc   124947560.0   124427552.0  -0.4% 
                 T13379(normal) ghc/alloc   358997996.0   358879840.0  -0.0% 
                 T13701(normal) ghc/alloc  2400391456.0  2399956840.0  -0.0% 
                 T13719(normal) ghc/alloc  4193179228.0  4192476392.0  -0.0% 
                   T14052(ghci) ghc/alloc  2734741552.0  2735731808.0  +0.0% 
               T14052Type(ghci) ghc/alloc  7323235724.0  7323042264.0  -0.0% 
                 T14683(normal) ghc/alloc  2990457260.0  2988899144.0  -0.1% 
                 T14697(normal) ghc/alloc   363606476.0   363452952.0  -0.0% 
                 T15164(normal) ghc/alloc  1291321780.0  1289491968.0  -0.1% 
                 T15304(normal) ghc/alloc  1277838020.0  1276208304.0  -0.1% 
                 T15630(normal) ghc/alloc   161074632.0   160388136.0  -0.4% 
                 T16190(normal) ghc/alloc   276567192.0   276235216.0  -0.1% 
                 T16577(normal) ghc/alloc  7564318656.0  7535598656.0  -0.4% 
                 T16875(normal) ghc/alloc    34867720.0    34752440.0  -0.3% 
                 T17096(normal) ghc/alloc   288477360.0   288156960.0  -0.1% 
                 T17516(normal) ghc/alloc  1712777224.0  1704655496.0  -0.5% 
                 T17836(normal) ghc/alloc  1092127336.0  1091709880.0  -0.0% 
                T17836b(normal) ghc/alloc    52083516.0    51954056.0  -0.2% 
                 T17977(normal) ghc/alloc    44552228.0    44425448.0  -0.3% 
                T17977b(normal) ghc/alloc    40540252.0    40416856.0  -0.3% 
                 T18140(normal) ghc/alloc    81908200.0    81678928.0  -0.3% 
                 T18223(normal) ghc/alloc  1166459176.0  1164418104.0  -0.2% 
                 T18282(normal) ghc/alloc   131123648.0   130740432.0  -0.3% 
                 T18304(normal) ghc/alloc    86486796.0    86223088.0  -0.3% 
                 T18478(normal) ghc/alloc   746029440.0   745619968.0  -0.1% 
                T18698a(normal) ghc/alloc   337037580.0   336533824.0  -0.1% 
                T18698b(normal) ghc/alloc   398324600.0   397696400.0  -0.2% 
                 T18923(normal) ghc/alloc    68496432.0    68286264.0  -0.3% 
                  T1969(normal) ghc/alloc   760424696.0   759641664.0  -0.1% 
                 T19695(normal) ghc/alloc  1421672472.0  1413682104.0  -0.6% 
                 T20049(normal) ghc/alloc    88601524.0    88336560.0  -0.3% 
                  T3064(normal) ghc/alloc   190808832.0   190659328.0  -0.1% 
                  T3294(normal) ghc/alloc  1604483120.0  1604339080.0  -0.0% 
                  T4801(normal) ghc/alloc   296501624.0   296388448.0  -0.0% 
                  T5030(normal) ghc/alloc   364336308.0   364206240.0  -0.0% 
                T5321FD(normal) ghc/alloc   270688492.0   270386832.0  -0.1% 
               T5321Fun(normal) ghc/alloc   300860396.0   300559200.0  -0.1% 
                  T5631(normal) ghc/alloc   575822760.0   575579160.0  -0.0% 
                  T5642(normal) ghc/alloc   470243356.0   468988784.0  -0.3% 
                  T5837(normal) ghc/alloc    35936468.0    35821360.0  -0.3% 
                  T6048(optasm) ghc/alloc   102587024.0   102222000.0  -0.4% 
                   T783(normal) ghc/alloc   386539204.0   386003344.0  -0.1% 
                  T9020(optasm) ghc/alloc   247435312.0   247324184.0  -0.0% 
                  T9198(normal) ghc/alloc    47170036.0    47054840.0  -0.2% 
                  T9233(normal) ghc/alloc   677186820.0   676550032.0  -0.1% 
                  T9630(normal) ghc/alloc  1456411516.0  1451045736.0  -0.4% 
                  T9675(optasm) ghc/alloc   427190224.0   426812568.0  -0.1% 
                 T9872a(normal) ghc/alloc  1704660040.0  1704681856.0  +0.0% 
                 T9872b(normal) ghc/alloc  2180109488.0  2180130856.0  +0.0% 
                 T9872c(normal) ghc/alloc  1760209640.0  1760231456.0  +0.0% 
                 T9872d(normal) ghc/alloc   501126052.0   500973488.0  -0.0% 
                  T9961(normal) ghc/alloc   353244688.0   353063104.0  -0.1% 
   TcPlugin_RewritePerf(normal) ghc/alloc  2387276808.0  2387254168.0  -0.0% 
                  WWRec(normal) ghc/alloc   588651140.0   587684704.0  -0.2% 
         hard_hole_fits(normal) ghc/alloc   492063812.0   491798360.0  -0.1% 
                 hie002(normal) ghc/alloc  9334355960.0  9334396872.0  +0.0% 
             parsing001(normal) ghc/alloc   537410584.0   537421736.0  +0.0% 
                      geo. mean                                        -0.2% 

Merge request reports
