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Draft: Disallow unlifted binders in TransformListComp/ParallelListComp

Matthew Pickering requested to merge wip/transform-list-comp into master

As noted in #20864 the variables used by a then clause in TransformListComp need to be of lifted type, because they are passed to the "take" function and put into tuples, which require lifted arguments.

Also: #20844 (closed)

This patch ensures that the variables bound by a TransformListComp statement are lifted by calling unifyKind .. ki liftedTypeKind and making use of the resulting coercion.

We take a similar approach for parallel list comprehensions. In that case I'm not making use of the resulting coercions, so I'd appreciate some advice. I tried to write a test case that would cause a problem if we're not using the coercions (T20855b), but it compiles without any Core Lint errors.

Edited by Andreas Klebinger

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