Draft: Add Control.Applicative.foldA
I propose this small addition to base
because I think it gets at something essential about the relationship between Foldable
and Alternative
, makes the Alternative
class a bit more convenient to work with, and makes it a bit easier to understand.
(Alternative f, Foldable t) => t a -> f a
This is a utility we can observe in several libraries:
- In
-- | Branch over a 'Foldable' collection of values.
foldA :: (Alternative f, Foldable t) => t a -> f a
foldA = foldMapA pure
-- | Nondeterministically choose an element from a 'Foldable' collection.
-- This can be used to emulate the style of nondeterminism associated with
-- programming in the list monad:
-- @
-- pythagoreanTriples = do
-- a <- oneOf [1..10]
-- b <- oneOf [1..10]
-- c <- oneOf [1..10]
-- guard (a^2 + b^2 == c^2)
-- pure (a, b, c)
-- @
oneOf :: (Foldable t, Alternative m) => t a -> m a
oneOf = foldMapA pure
{-| Convert any collection that implements `Foldable` to another collection that
implements `Alternative`
For this library, the most common specialized type for `select` will be:
> select :: [a] -> ListT IO a
select :: (Foldable f, Alternative m) => f a -> m a
select = Data.Foldable.foldr cons empty
cons x xs = pure x <|> xs
- In
; here it is specialized toListT
and usesMonadPlus
rathen thanAlternative
, but it is still essentially the same as the rest because theAlternative
instances are the same for theListT
fromFoldable :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => f a -> ListT m a
fromFoldable =
foldr cons mzero
The haddock comment in the PR here is pieced together from the documentation from the above examples.
I suggest adopting the name foldA
mostly because, of the choices above, it conflicts with the least with names in other packages.
Edited by Andreas Klebinger