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Instantiate top level foralls in partial type signatures

Simon Peyton Jones requested to merge wip/T21667 into master

The main fix for #21667 (closed) is the new call to tcInstTypeBnders in tcHsPartialSigType. It was really a simple omission before.

I also moved the decision about whether we need to apply the Monomorphism Restriction, from decideGeneralisationPlan to tcPolyInfer. That removes a flag from the InferGen constructor, which is good.

But more importantly, it allows the new function, checkMonomorphismRestriction called from tcPolyInfer, to "see" the Types involved rather than the HsTypes. And that in turn matters because we invoke the MR for partial signatures if none of the partial signatures in the group have any overloading context; and we can't answer that question for HsTypes. See Note [Partial type signatures and the monomorphism restriction] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.

This latter is really a pre-existing bug.

Edited by Simon Peyton Jones

Merge request reports