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Wasm CI configuration updates

Cheng Shao requested to merge type-dance/ghc:wasm-ci-update into master

This MR refactors the CI configuration of the wasm backend. A large number of wasm CI jobs are defined, they run on different circumstances:

  • ncg/int_gmp: the baseline job that's always run.
  • ncg/int_native: skipped in fast-ci pipelines.
  • unreg: only run in nightly.
  • tailcall: always manual.

Another notable change is switching to alpine for building fully_static bindists on x86_64-linux. This allow the wasm backend bindists to work out of the box on a broader range of distros (even including nixos, without needing to patchelf). There do exist some issues with our alpine/fully_static support yet, but they don't seem to affect the functionality of our stage1 ghc binaries.

Edited by Cheng Shao

Merge request reports
