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HsToken in TypeArg (#19623)

Vladislav Zavialov requested to merge wip/int-index/tok-at-app-kind into master

One more small step towards #19623 (closed). This one is motivated by !9480 (merged), where I introduce HsBndrVis:

data HsBndrVis pass
  = HsBndrRequired
      -- Binder for a visible (required) variable:
      --     type Dup a = (a, a)
      --             ^^^

  | HsBndrInvisible (LHsToken "@" pass)
      -- Binder for an invisible (specified) variable:
      --     type KindOf @k (a :: k) = k
      --                ^^^

In order to put an LHsToken "@" pass in HsBndrInvisible, I need to get it from TypeArg.

Edited by Vladislav Zavialov

Merge request reports