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Take account of loop breakers in specLookupRule

Simon Peyton Jones requested to merge wip/T22802 into master

The key change is that in GHC.Core.Opt.Specialise.specLookupRule we were using realIdUnfolding, which ignores the loop-breaker flag. When given a loop breaker, rule matching therefore looped infinitely.

In fixing this I refactored a bit.

  • Define GHC.Core.InScopeEnv as a data type, and use it. (Previously it was a pair: hard to grep for.)

  • Put several functions returning an IdUnfoldingFun into GHC.Types.Id, namely

    • idUnfolding
    • alwaysActiveUnfoldingFun
    • whenActiveUnfoldingFun
    • noUnfoldingFun and use them.

    (The are all loop-breaker aware.)

Merge request reports