Naming types in Haskell
Haskell currently allows you to use the same name for a type and a data constructor, thus
data Age = Age Int
In any context, it is clear which is meant, thus
foo :: Age -> Int -- Type constructor Age
foo (Age i) = i -- Data constructor Age
However, as we extend Haskell's type system (or at least GHC's), there are occasions in which the distinction is less clear. This page summarises the issues, and proposes solutions.
NB: the whole page is purely about syntax.
Please comment on glasgow-haskell-users@…, or by adding notes to this page.
The issues
There are several distinct ways in which the type/value distinction is becoming blurred.
Type operators. With -XTypeOperators
, GHC already allows this
data a :+: b = Left a | Right b
However, I really want to allow this too:
data a + b = Left a | Right b
That is, allow operators like (+)
to be type constructors.
You can find discussion of the merits of this proposal here.
At first it seems fairly straightforward; for example, it is
quite clear that in a type signature
f :: (a + b) -> a
the (+)
must be the type constructor not the value-level
multiplication. But there's a problem with export lists:
module Foo( foo, (+), bar ) where ..
Is this export list exporting the type (+)
or the value (+)
There is a very similar issue with fixity declarations
infix 5 +, :+:
In these two contexts we need to disambiguate whether we mean the type-level or value-level identifier.
This suggestion seems inconsistent with the value level. Today (with -XTypeOperators) one can write "data T (-=>) = C (Int -=> Bool)
" and "-=>
" is a type variable, and this is a very useful feature (just look at Arrow). Being able to use, e.g., "+
" as a type constructor it's no longer possible to tell syntactically what's a type variable and what's a type constructor. One could use what's in scope to distinguish them, but that's not how it works on the value level. -- Lennart
Proper kinding. At the moment you see a lot of this kind of nonsense:
data Zero
data Succ a
data List :: * -> * -> * where
Cons :: a -> List n a -> List (Succ n) a
The indexed data type List
is only supposed to get
or Succ
as its first arguments,
the stupid type (List Int Int)
is, alas,
well kinded. Obviously what we want is to give a proper
kind to List
. My current proposal is to allow value-level
data constructors to be re-used at the type level, thus:
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
data List :: Nat -> * -> * where
Cons :: a -> List n a -> List (Succ n) a
Again, I don't want to elaborate all the details here, but
the point is that a data constructor (Succ
) is being used
in a type. If there also happened to be a type constructor
, it'd be unclear which you meant, and you really might
want either.
Type-level lists and tuples. Following on from the
preceding thought, we can presumably re-use tuples at the
type level. So if we write the type (T (Int,Bool))
mean that
T :: * -> *
, and we are instantiating it with the type(Int,Bool) :: *
? -
T :: (*,*) -> *
, and we are instantiating it with the pair typesInt::*
If you write it prefix, thus (T ((,) Int, Bool))
, we can
see that this the same as the Succ
question above:
in this type do we mean to name the type constructor (,)
or the data constructor (,)
Exactly same questions can be asked about the special purpose
list syntax [a,b,c]
. When we write (T [])
do we mean
the type constructor []
or the data constructor []
But there is a bit more here, because [a,b,c]
syntactic sugar.
I make two proposals:
- Disambiguation in export lists and fixity declarations
- Disambiguation in types
Proposal 1: disambiguation in export lists and fixity declarations
- Extend export lists and fixity declarations to permit the
disambiguating specifier
, andclass
. - The specifier is always permitted, but only required if the situation would otherwise be ambiguous.
- The specifier must match the corresponding declaration, except that
the specifier
matches anewtype
declaration too. (This "except" is arguable. The idea is that someone looking at the export list doesn't need to know whether the type is declared withdata
, whereas fortype
synonyms they do need to know.)
Thus you can say
module Foo( data T(T1,T2), S, class C ) where
data T = T1 | T2
data S = S1 | S2
class C a where ...
In this case the data
and class
specifiers are both optional.
But they are not always optional (that is the point):
module Foo( data (%%%)(...) ) where
infix 4 data (%%%) -- The type constructor
infix 6 (%%%) -- The function
data a %%% b = a :%%% b
a %%% b = a :%%% b
Looking just at the export lists, you can see this proposal as a baby step towards the export list becoming a proper module signature.
As you might imagine, if we're going to start tinkering with export lists, I'd like to push as far as possible in the direction of signatures. To me, this means (a) Let's not try to make signatures stand independently, but let's do try to change dramatically the format of the export list; (b) the material in the export list should be completely sufficient to know the types, kinds, sorts, classes, instances, and fixities of the things exported; (c) when complete information is available in the export list, it should not be necessary to duplicate the information in the module body. For example, it should be possible to migrate a type signature from the body to a "new-style" export list. ---Norman Ramsey*
I would prefer to use the keyword type
to indicate a name from the type namespace (without any indication of whether it was defined by a type, newtype, or data declaration. This would, then, be consistent with our proposal for exporting associated types. -- chak
Proposal 2: disambiguation in types
- Value-level data constructors in types may be disambiguated by a shift operator
. - This disambiguation is compulsory only if there is a like-named type constructor in scope.
Suppose the following data types are available
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
data Succ = A | B
data List :: Nat -> * where ...
data T :: [Nat] -> * where ...
Now here are the interpretation of various types
List Zero :: * -- Zero means the data constructor
-- (since there is no type constructor Zero)
List (Succ Zero) -- Succ means the type constructor
-- hence ill-kinded
List (%Succ Zero) :: * -- %Succ means the data constructor
List (%Succ %Zero) :: * -- %Zero is also legal to mean the data constr
T [] -- [] means the list type constructor
-- hence ill-kinded
T %[] :: * -- %[] means the data constructor []
T [Zero] -- [..] means the list type
-- hence ill-kinded
T %[Zero] :: * -- %[..] means list syntax (Zero : [])
[(Int,Bool)] :: * -- The ordinary H98 type
[%(Int,Bool)] -- Ill kinded
%[%(Int,Bool)] :: [(*,*)]
() :: * -- The ordinary H98 type
%() :: ()
The principles are
Just as with Haskell 98, if the lexical binding is unambiguous, there is no need for a disambiguating shift operator (although one is always permitted)
Just as with Haskell 98, disambiguation is purely lexical; it does not take advantage of kind checking.
Whether "%
" is the best notation isn't clear to me, but the
notation must be reasonably quiet.
If you want a lifting character I suggest "@
" instead of "%
" since the former is unused in types. -- Lennart
Alternatives to proposal 2
One alternative would be simple but brutal: simply have no "
" escape notation. In the above examples, sayingSucc
at the type level would mean the data typeSucc
, and there would be no way to get to the data constructor. You lose. -
Another alternative would be to allow the type name to disambiguate. Thus
would name the data constructor. (Obvious question: the overlap with the module qualifiers.) -
Not every data type type can be lifted to the kind level; for example, existentials and GADTS! It seems messy to have this done or not done silently; perhaps there should be some indication in the data type declaration to say "make this available as a kind too". Or perhaps the whole idea of automatic lifting isn't worth the candle, and we should should provide explicit
None of these alternatives seem compatible with lists and
tuples at the type level. Maybe they can still use the "%
" notation?