Parallel Hacker Meetings
What's it?
This is a series of informal meetings of people actively working on parallel Haskell implementations, mainly GpH and Eden. Physically these meetings involve mainly people from Heriot-Watt and St Andrews Univ, with others joining in over Skype.
March 8th, 2010
Where: EM 1.58 (Mountbatten building), Heriot-Watt Univ, Edinburgh Web Map
When: 1:30 - 4:00 pm, March 8th, 2010.
Agenda (this intentionally gives only a rough structure for the discussions at the mtg):
Strategic discussion on GpH:
Community support (Book, strategies module etc)
Visibility (Web pages, tutorial etc)
Project integration (Current and future projects)
Define focus for future developments:
- Pick your top 3 tools etc that would help your research
- Pick your top 3 challenge applications SICSA Multi-core Challenge
- Pick your top 3 arguments why a Fortran programmer should switch to Haskell
Technical discussion on GpH:
Updates on GpH/Eden sub-tasks (see GpHEden Wiki)
Status reports on GpH-related hacking
Discussions on:
- Application-level abstractions for parallelism
- Language-level primitives for controlling parallelism
- RTS-level implementation
Future directions:
- Next steps in Eden/GUM integration
- Roadmap towards serialisation integration
- Future mtgs
October 11th, 2010
Where: Goldfish Bowl (John Honey building), University of St Andrews travel directions.
When: 10:00 - 11:00 am, October 11th, 2010.
Agenda (this will be a short meeting, so we need to focus on a few points):
- Update on individual activities
- Plans of immediate future work