... | ... | @@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ indexes each data type with a *type index*, and defines types with two extension |
For example:
data Expr p = Var (XVar p) (Var p)
| App (XApp p) (Expr p) (Expr p)
| Lam (XLam p) (Var p) (Expr p)
| XExpr (XXExpr p)
type family XVar p
type family XApp p
type family XLam p
type family XXExpr p
data Expr x = Var (XVar x) (Var x)
| App (XApp x) (Expr x) (Expr x)
| Lam (XLam x) (Var x) (Expr x)
| XExpr (XXExpr x)
type family XVar x
type family XApp x
type family XLam x
type family XXExpr x
Here the type index is `p`; the extension constructor is `XExpr`; and
the extension fields are `XVar p`, `XApp p`, etc (i.e. the first field
Here the type index is `x`; the extension constructor is `XExpr`; and
the extension fields are `XVar x`, `XApp x`, etc (i.e. the first field
of each constructor). The types `XVar`, `XApp` etc are type families,
that can be extended with new instances as you add new indexing types.
... | ... | @@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ We add a third extension point: |
data Expr p = Var (XVar p) (Var p)
| App (XApp p) (XRec p (Expr p)) (XRec p (Expr p))
| Lam (XLam p) (XRec p (Var p)) (XRec p (Expr p))
| XExpr (XXExpr p)
data Expr x = Var (XVar x) (Var x)
| App (XApp x) (XRec x (Expr x)) (XRec x (Expr x))
| Lam (XLam x) (XRec x (Var x)) (XRec x (Expr x))
| XExpr (XXExpr x)
type family XRec p a
type family XRec x a
Again, `XRec` is typically a type family. For some indices (say `Vanilla`)
we can easily elide all these `XRec` wrappers:
type instance XRec Vanilla a = a
But for GHC we can use it to add a source location for each `XRec`:
But for GHC, with type index `GhcPass p`, we can use it to add a source location for each `XRec`:
type instance XRec (GhcPass p) a = Located a
... | ... | |