Trees that Grow Guidance
The Trees that Grow (TTG) idiom can be used to provide different forms of extensions and variations on an AST. Since April 2018, the HsSyn AST inside GHC supports the TTG idiom. This page provides a set of guiding principles for GHC developers on how to understand and use the TTG idiom in HsSyn.
Context and Scope
The new HsSyn AST supporting the TTG idiom (from now on referred to as TTG HsSyn) is designed to subsume five different representations of Haskell syntax:
- AST GhcPs: the AST used in GHC's parsing phase
- AST GhcRn: the AST used in GHC's renaming phase
- AST GhcTc: the AST used in GHC's typechecking phase
- AST TH: the AST used in Template Haskell
- AST HSE: the AST used in an external tool such as Haskell-Src-Exts
By "subsume" we mean that it should be possible to instantiate TTG HsSyn to serve all five use-cases.
The subsumption of above five ASTs is done by providing instances for the extension type families.
For instance, the AST for GHC's parsing, renaming, and typechecking are defined by providing instances of the extension type families using accordingly the indices GhcPs
, GhcRn
, and GhcTc
Here is the actual code providing such instances for the HsExpr
datatype of expressions in the TTG HsSyn.
General pattern for TTG
In general, a TTG-idiom data type has
- A type parameter, called the phase descriptor, that indexes which particular instantiation is required
- One extension field in each data constructor, whose type is given by a type family. By giving phase-specific instances to this type family, we can add phase-specific information to the constructor.
- One unary extension constructor for each data type, whose argument type is given by a type family. By giving phase-specific instances to this type family, we can add extra phase-specific constructors to the type.
For example:
data Exp x
= Var (XVar x) (IdP x)
| Lam (XLam x) (IdP x) (Exp x)
| App (XApp x) (Exp x) (Exp x)
| XExp !(XXExp x)
type family XVar x
type family XLam x
type family XApp x
type family XXExp x
Here the phase descriptor is x
. The first field of each constructor (of type XVar x
etc) are the extension fields. The data constructor XExp
is the extension constructor.
All fields of the data constructors except the first (extension) field are called payload fields. They are present in every instantiation of the data type.
Guiding Principles
The design of TTG HsSyn follows these principles:
The base TTG HsSyn should have all the constructors common across all five ASTs (the common data constructors). These constructors should have, as payload fields, all the fields common across all five ASTs. Thus, for example:
module Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr where data Exp x = Var (XVar x) (IdP x) | Lam (XLam x) (IdP x) (Exp x) | App (XApp x) (Exp x) (Exp x) | XExp !(XXExp x) type family XVar x type family XLam x type family XApp x type family XXExp x
The common data constructors are
, andApp
. The payload fiels ofLam
are the second and third, with type(IdP x)
and(Exp x)
resp. -
The non-payload (i.e. phase-specific) fields of a data constructor are grouped together and introduced via the extension field. Similarly the phase-specific data constructors are introduced using the extension constructor.
type instance
declarations should usually appear in a phase-specific module. (See discussion in !7192 (closed).) Thus:module GHC.Parser.Hs where -- Parser-specific extensions import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr type instance XVar GhcPs = NoExtField type instance XLam GhcPs = NoExtField type instance XApp GhcPs = NoExtField type instance XXExpr GhcPs = DataConCantHappen module GHC.Renamer.Hs where -- Renamer-specific extensions import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr type instance XVar GhcRn = XVarRn type instance XLam GhcRn = NoExtField type instance XApp GhcRn = NoExtField data XVarRn = XVarRn Int Bool -- These types may be renamer-specific
The extension field and extension contructors are likely to be phase-specific, so by putting them in a phase-specific module, you avoid creating a dependency from the base module
on all of the phases, thereby making the parser depend on the type checker, say.The downside is that the type instances for
, say, do not appear together. -
Even though a payload field is present in every phase, its type may vary depending on phase. For example, in
above, the first payload field has typeId x
, and that may vary with phase:type family IdP x type instance IdP GhcPs = RdrName type instance IdP GhcRn = Name type instance IdP GhcTc = Id
But it is still a payload field, because every instantiation of
has a lambda with a binder; albeit the type of that binder field varies. This happens in HsSyn: for example, the type of the common (payload) field of the common constructorHsVar
ofHsExpr x
isIdP x
is a type family andx
the phase descriptor. -
The instantiation of TTG HsSyn, for a particular phase, should result in a tree that has no redundant fields and constructors. For example, the
HsExpr GhsPs
expressions of AST GhcPs should not have the constructorHsUnboundVar
of the post-renaming phases, or itsHsMultiIf
constructor should also not have an unused field (of the typeType
) to store the related type produced in the typechecking phase.As a result, the instantiated TTG HsSyn should not depend on the code from the other phases. Hence, the base (uninstantiated) TTG HsSyn should not depend on any GHC/TH/HSE-specific code. For example, if
HsExpr GhsPs
expressions of AST GhcPs had the constructorHsUnboundVar
then it had to depend on the code definingUnboundVar
(a field ofHsUnboundVar
) in the renaming phase, or if its constructorMultiIf
had a field of typeType
then it had to depend on the code definingType
in the typechecking phase. -
The extension constructor should be strict; see section "The extension constructor"
The extension constructor
In general you should say
data Exp x
= Var (XVar x) (IdP x)
| ...
| XExp !(XXExp x) -- Note strict!
data DataConCantHappen -- no constructor extension (earlier called NoExtCon)
Why make the extension constructor's field strict? Consider a function which consumes an Exp
type instance XExp (GhcPass Renamed) = DataConCantHappen -- The Renamed pass has no extension constructor
expPass :: Exp (GhcPass Renamed) -> Exp (GhcPass Renamed)
expPass (Var x v) = ...
expPass (XExp _) = error "Unexpected XExp" -- This line is tiresome; and indeed we can omit it
Having to write a case for XExp
each time is tedious, morally we know this case is unreachable: you should not be able to construct a value of DataConCantHappen
. You might object "but what about ⊥ :: DataConCantHappen
? This is where making the field strict comes into play. If the field is strict, then passing XExp ⊥
to expPass
will diverge before the right-hand side of the error
rhs can be reached. In other words, making the field strict makes that case truly unreachable.
In GHC 8.8 and up, the pattern-match coverage checker is actually smart enough to perform this kind of reasoning about strict fields of uninhabited types (such as DataConCantHappen
), so if you were to try and write the last case of expPass
, it would emit a warning. Instead, you can omit this case, and GHC won't complain about a missing case, because it knows it can't match. See #17992 (closed).
Bottom line: make extension constructors have a strict field!
Suppose we have a simple expression data type, with different decorations after parsing, renaming, and type checking
Without TTG
Without TTG we would either be forced to use one datatype with redundant fields, or define three different datatypes ExpPs
, ExpRn
, and ExpTc
representing correspondingly expressions in a parsing, renaming and typechecking phase, like this:
module Parsing where
-- the definition of RdrName
-- ...
data ExpPs
= Var RdrName
| Lam RdrName ExpPs
| App ExpPs ExpPs
module Renaming where
-- the definition of `Name` and `UnboundVar`
-- ...
data ExpRn
= Var Name
| Lam Name ExpRn
| App ExpRn ExpRn
| UVar UnboundVar
module Typechecking where
-- the definition of `Id`, `UnboundVar`, and `Type`
-- ...
data ExpTc
= Var Id
| Lam Id ExpTc
| App Type ExpTc ExpTc
| UVar UnboundVar
With TTG
Based on the TTG idiom, we will have a base declaration such as the following.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies , EmptyCase #-}
module AST where
data Exp x
= Var (XVar x) (XId x)
| Abs (XAbs x) (XId x) (Exp x)
| App (XApp x) (Exp x) (Exp x)
| XExp !(XXExp x)
type family XVar x
type family XAbs x
type family XApp x
type family XXExp x
type family XId x
data NoExtField = NoExtField -- no field extension
data DataConCantHappen -- no constructor extension
dataConCantHappen :: DataConCantHappen -> a
dataConCantHappen x = case x of {}
and the following three instantiations:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Parsing where
import AST
data RdrName -- = ...
data Ps
type ExpPs = Exp Ps
type instance XVar Ps = NoExtField
type instance XAbs Ps = NoExtField
type instance XApp Ps = NoExtField
type instance XXExp Ps = DataConCantHappen
type instance XId Ps = RdrName
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Renaming where
import AST
data Name -- = ...
data UnboundVar -- = ...
data Rn
type ExpRn = Exp Rn
type instance XVar Rn = NoExtField
type instance XAbs Rn = NoExtField
type instance XApp Rn = NoExtField
type instance XXExp Rn = UnboundVar
type instance XId Rn = Name
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Typechecking where
import AST
data Id -- = ...
data UnboundVar -- = ...
data Type -- = ...
data Tc
type ExpTc = Exp Tc
type instance XVar Tc = NoExtField
type instance XAbs Tc = NoExtField
type instance XApp Tc = Type
type instance XXExp Tc = UnboundVar
type instance XId Tc = Id
Note that we define a specific pair of datatypes to mark and handle empty extension fields and constructors (#15247 (closed)). For example,
-- construction:
x1 :: ExpPs String
x1 = Var NoExtField (RdrName "x")
-- pattern matching:
process :: ExpPs -> ExpPs
process (Var _ x) = ...
process (Lam _ i e) = ...
process (App _ f a) = ...
Note how we didn't need to write a case for XNew
. See section "The extension constructor".