A second attempt
To solve (C implies t1=t2)
with respect to Ax
We interpret Ax /\ C as a rewrite system (from left to right) and
perform completion until the rewrite system is confluent.
We exhaustively apply rewrite rules on t1 and t2, written t1 -->* t1' and t2 -->* t2' and check that t1' and t2' are syntactically equivalent.
Step (1.2) is new and crucial. For confluent rewrite systems the checking step (2) will work fine (we also need termination of course). But how do we now that completion will succeed? The important condition is to guarantee that Ax is confluent (and terminating) then completion will be successful (i.e. terminated and produce a confluent rewrite system).
Let's take a look at our running example.
(forall a. S [a] = [S a]) /\ (R1) -- axioms
(T Int = Int) (R2)
(T [Int] = S [Int]) /\ (R3) -- local assumptions
(T Int = S Int) (R4)
The axioms are clearly confluent but there's a critical pair between (R2,R4).
Completion yields
(S Int = Int) (R5)
Now, we can verify that (T [Int] = [Int])
by executing
T [Int] -->* [Int] (R3,R1,R5)
[Int] -->* [Int]
The completion method in more detail.
There are two kinds of critical pairs
Axiom vs local assumption, see (R2,R4) above
Local assumption vs local assumption. For example,
T Int = S Int /\ T Int = R Int
Completion yields
S Int = R Int R Int = S Int
NOTE: Axiom vs axiom impossible cause axiom set is confluent
Towards establishing a connection between completion and CHR [What is CHR? -samb] derivation steps
There's a straightforward translation from type functions to constraints. For each n-ary function symbol T, we introduce a n+1-ary constraint symbol T. Thus, we can represent
T Int = Int
T Int a /\ a=Int
For example, T Int = S Int
is represented by
T Int a /\ S Int b /\ a=b
We can verify that the completion method success by showing that each critical pair arises in the `corresponding' CHR derivation (this derivation terminates if the axiom system is confluent and terminating, hence, we'll only encounter a finite number of critical pairs, hence, completion terminates).
Recall the critical pair (axioms vs local assumption) from above
T Int = Int -- axiom
T Int = S Int -- local assumption
In the CHR world, we'll represent both as
T Int a <==> a=Int -- axiom turned into CHR
T Int b /\ S Int c /\ b=c -- local assumption turned into CHR
-- constraints
In the CHR world, we find that
T Int b /\ S Int c /\ b=c
--> b=Int /\ S Int c /\ b=c -- apply CHR
<--> b=Int /\ c=Int /\ S Int Int -- equivalence transformation
-- apply mgu
directly corresponds to
S Int = Int
generated by our completion method
Recall the critical pair (local assumption vs local assumption)
T Int = S Int /\
T Int = R Int
represented in the CHR world as
T Int a /\ S Int b /\ a=b /\
T Int c /\ R Int d /\ c=d
In the CHR world, we find that
T Int a /\ S Int b /\ a=b /\
T Int c /\ R Int d /\ c=d
-->T Int a /\ S Int b /\ a=b /\
c=a /\ R Int d /\ c=d
-- apply FD rule
-- T a b /\ T a c ==> b=c
<--> T Int a /\ S Int a /\ R Int a /\
a=b, c=a, d=a
directly corresponds to
S Int = R Int
R Int = S Int
The general cases are as follows.
Axiom vs local assumption case
forall as. (T t1 ... tn = s) -- axiom
T t1' ... tn' = s' -- local assumption
where exist phi, dom(phi)=as such that phi(ti) = ti' for i=1,...,n
completion yields
s' = phi(s)
phi(s) = s'
NOTE: We may need both orientation see above example. We assume that symbol t refers to types NOT containing type functions and s refers to types which may contain type functions (can be lifted, more below)
Explaining completion in terms of CHRs. Above translates to
T t1 ... tn b <==> C
T t1' ... tn' b' /\ C'
where s is translated to (C | b) and s' is translated to (C | b')
(see above where each type function type is represented by a variable under some CHR constraints)
The type functions
s' = phi(s)
phi(s) = s'
resulting from completion 'appear' in the CHR derivation (i.e. the operational effect is the same)
T t1' ... tn' b' /\ C' -- apply CHR
--> b=b', phi(C) /\ C'
Local assumption vs local assumption
T t1 ... tn = s1
T t1 ....tn = sn
completion yields
s1 = s2
s2 = s1
In the CHR world, above represented by
T t1 ... tn a /\ C1
T t1 ....tn b /\ C2
where s1 translated to (C1 | a)
s2 translated to (C1 | n)
T t1 ... tn a /\ C1 /\
T t1 ....tn b /\ C2
--> FD rule step
T t1 ... tn a /\ C1 /\
a=b /\ [a/b] C2
Again, the operational effect of the type function generated is also present in the CHR derivation
Lifting the restriction that t refers to types NOT containing type functions (we only lift this restriction for local assumptions).
forall a. T [a] = [T a] -- axiom
T [S Int] = s -- local assumption
We can normalize
T [S Int] = s
T [b] = s
S Int = b
Method from above applies then.
NOTE: Regarding generation of implication constraints. GENERATEIMP
The literate implication constraints generated out of the program text may look as follows
a=T Int implies ( a= S Int implies ...)
The above can be simplified to
(a=T Int /\ a = S Int) implies ...
Before we proceed with the completion method, we first need to apply some closure rules (eg. transitivity, left, right etc) Hence, from the above we generatet
a=T Int /\ a = S Int /\
T Int = a /\ S Int = a /\ -- symmetry
T Int = S Int /\ S Int = T Int -- transitivity
We omit the trival (reflexive) equations
T Int = T Int /\ S Int = S Int