... | ... | @@ -124,3 +124,23 @@ rather than leaving it lying around for when you have time to make the HEAD patc |
called Simon are not immune from doing so!
- Discuss anything you think might be controversial before pushing it.
## The Bug Tracker
The following are GHC-specific policies for using the Trac bug tracking system.
- When a bug is fixed, but the patch or patches still need to be merged to other branches, then
don't close the bug, just change its type from "bug" or "task" to "merge". Also add a list of
patches to be merged, and which branch to merge to, as a comment.
- Milestones: we have milestones for each release, and three special milestones:
- An empty milestone field means the bug has not been triaged yet. We don't yet know if the
ticket is a real, unique, issue. Once this has been established, the ticket will be given
a milestone.
- **Not GHC** is for tickets that are not tied to a GHC release, because they are in libraries
or other software that is not released with GHC. Bugs in the "extra libraries" typically fall
into this category.
- **_\|_** is for tickets that have been triaged, but we don't plan to fix them for a particular
release. This might be because the bug is low priority, or is simply too hard to fix right now. |