... | ... | @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ The following are GHC-specific policies for using the Trac bug tracking system. |
don't close the bug, just change its type from "bug" or "task" to "merge". Also add a list of
patches to be merged, and which branch to merge to, as a comment.
- Milestones: we have milestones for each release, and three special milestones:
- **Milestones**: we have milestones for each release, and three special milestones:
- An empty milestone field means the bug has not been triaged yet. We don't yet know if the
ticket is a real, unique, issue. Once this has been established, the ticket will be given
... | ... | @@ -144,3 +144,14 @@ The following are GHC-specific policies for using the Trac bug tracking system. |
into this category.
- **_\|_** is for tickets that have been triaged, but we don't plan to fix them for a particular
release. This might be because the bug is low priority, or is simply too hard to fix right now.
- **Severity**: this is set by the submitter of the ticket, and indicates how important the issue is to
them, i.e. is it preventing them from doing something altogether, or just a minor annoyance. The
severity might be reduced if we discover a workaround.
- **Priority**: this field is for the GHC development team to help us prioritise what we work on. Bugs
that have a high severity will tend to be prioritised higher, as will bugs that are regressions from
a previous release.
- **Test Case**: fill in this field with the name of the test in the test suite. Typically every bug
closed should have an appropriate test case added to the test suite. |