... | ... | @@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ We organise our work (both bug fixing and feature requests) using the Trac bug t |
Every ticket has a **status** and a **type**, which appear in the title of the ticket. Thus "Ticket [\#2762](https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/2762) (new bug)" means status=new, and type=bug. Here's what they mean:
- **Type** is one of `bug`, `feature request`, `task`, or `proposal`. We don't use `proposal` much.
- **Type** is one of `bug`, `feature request`, `task`, or `proposal`. The `proposal` type is only for [ library submission](http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Library_submissions) proposals.
- **Status** says what state the ticket is in. It is one of these:
- **New** means what it says.
- **New** is for open tickets that need to be triaged or fixed.
- **Infoneeded** means that the ticket is stalled awaiting information from the submitter (or anyone else).
- **Closed** means what it says.
- **Merge** means that a fix has been committed to the HEAD, but should be propagated to the current release branch.
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