... | ... | @@ -45,26 +45,6 @@ rm -rf libraries/parallel |
git submodule update --init
### `git pullall`
A commonly defined Git alias that combines the two commands into one convenient Git alias is:
git config --global alias.pullall '!f(){ git pull --ff-only "$@" && git submodule update --init --recursive; }; f'
(the `--global` flag make this alias persist in the `${HOME}/.gitconfig` file, so this needs to be done only once, the `--recursive` option is not needed for GHC but it's commonly used for the `pullall` alias)
After setting this alias, one can now simply use the single invocation
git pullall --rebase
to update `ghc.git` and all its submodules.
## `git status` and dirty submodules
By default, git will consider your submodule as "dirty" when you do `git status` if it has any changes or any untracked files. Sometimes this can be inconvenient, especially when using [Phabricator](phabricator) which won't allow you to upload a diff if there are dirty submodules. Phabricator will let you ignore untracked files in the main GHC repo, but to ignore untracked files in a submodule you'll need a change to `.git/config` in the GHC repo. For example, to ignore untracked files in the `nofib` repo, add the line `ignore = untracked` to the section for `nofib` in `.git/config`:
... | ... | @@ -76,94 +56,48 @@ By default, git will consider your submodule as "dirty" when you do `git status` |
## Making changes to GHC submodules
It's very important to keep in mind that Git submodules track commits (i.e. not branches!) to avoid getting confused. Therefore, `git submodule update` will result in submodules having checked out a so-called [detached HEAD](http://alblue.bandlem.com/2011/08/git-tip-of-week-detached-heads.html).
So, in order to make change to a submodule you can either:
## Making changes to GHC's submodules
1) Work directly on the detached HEAD in the submodule directory.
It's very important to keep in mind that Git submodules track commits, not branches. Therefore, `git submodule update` will result in submodules having checked out a so-called [detached HEAD](http://alblue.bandlem.com/2011/08/git-tip-of-week-detached-heads.html).
2) Checkout the respective branch the commit is supposed to be pointed at from (normally `master`. See the table on [Repositories](repositories) for the full branch/repo summary).
If you merely need to update a submodule to point to the latest upstream commit of that submodule, which also takes care to lookup the proper upstream Git branch (in case it's not `master`) as specified in the `.gitmodules` file.
For example, to update `libraries/Cabal`, you can run the following commands:
git submodule update --remote libraries/Cabal
git commit libraries/Cabal
git push
To make a change to a submodule (here we use `Cabal` for concreteness), start by ensuring that your tree's submodules are up-to-date:
git submodule update --init
The example below will demonstrate the latter approach for the `utils/haddock` submodule:
Next, create a branch for your change, ensuring that the name contains the `wip/` prefix (it is common to name the submodule branches similarly to the GHC branch with which they are associated),
git -C libraries/Cabal checkout -b wip/$BRANCH_NAME
# do this *before* making changes to the submodule
cd utils/haddock
git checkout ghc-head
git pull --rebase
# perform modifications and as many `git {add,rm,commit}`s as you deem necessary
$EDITOR src/somefile.hs
# finally, after you're ready to publish your changes, simply push the changes as for an ordinary Git repo
git push
# go back to ghc.git top-level
cd ../..
We can now proceed with making the desired changes in the submodule and commit them as usual:
At this point, the remote `haddock.git` contains newer commits in the `ghc-head` branch, which still need to be registered with `ghc.git`:
# perform modifications and as many `git {add,rm}`s as you deem necessary
$EDITOR libraries/Cabal/src/somefile.hs
# commit
git -C libraries/Cabal commit
# if you want, you can inspect with `git submodule` and/or `git status`
# if there are submodules needing attention;
# specifically, the commands below should report new commits in `util/haddock`
git submodule
git submodule summary
git status
# Register the submodule update for the next `git commit` as you would any other file
# Note: You can think of submodule-references as virtual files which
# contain a SHA1 string pointing to the submodule's commit.
git add util/haddock
# you can also add other changes in `ghc.git` (e.g. testsuite changes) and/or other submodules
# you need to update atomically with the next commit
git add testsuite/...
# prepare a commit, and make sure to mention the string `submodule` in the commit message
git commit -m 'update haddock submodule ... blablabla'
# for the paranoid, inspect your commit one last time, including the submodule's commit headings
git show --submodule
# finally, push the commit to the remote `ghc.git` repo
git push
Finally, we commit the submodule change in the `ghc` repository.
git commit
In the commit message be sure to mention any submodule changes made; a linter in GHC's CI process checks that any commits containing submodule changes mention the word "submodule" to prevent unintentional submodule changes from accidentally being merged.
Git supports a recursive `git push` operation. If you issue a
git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand
To push the changes, we first push the submodule changes to the GHC mirror repository (e.g. ghc/packages/Cabal>). GHC developers have permission to push branches to these mirrors under the `wip/` branch namespace (if you see encounter a permission denied error, ask someone in `#ghc` to grant you Developer rights in the `ghc` group).
git -C libraries/Cabal remote add gitlab git@gitlab.haskell.org:ghc/packages/Cabal
git -C libraries/Cabal push gitlab wip/$BRANCH_NAME
Now create a draft merge request against the upstream projeect (e.g. <https://github.com/haskell/Cabal>) proposing to merge your branch into the branch being tracked by GHC (typically `master`).
this will cause Git to push all submodules changes that have been registered in the revisions
to be pushed to the super repository.
TODO show how to define a `git pushall` alias in the style of the `git pullall` alias
### Validation hooks
GHC's CI infrastructure includes a submodule lint job which ensures that:
Finally, we can push the GHC branch as well:
git push origin wip/$BRANCH_NAME
We can now open a GHC merge request [as usual](https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/Contributing-a-Patch#merge-request-workflow). When doing so, include a list of the associated upstream merge requests for any submodule changes made in the MR.
1. If you update a submodule pointer,
### Merging an MR containing submodule changes
2. You had to have pushed it upstream already,
When an MR containing submodule changes has passed review, it is important that any upstream submodule MRs have been merged *before* the MR is added to the merge queue. While the submodule linting job will catch any MRs which refer to submodule commits not reachable via a persistent branch (e.g. not a `wip/` branch), this will cause @marge-bot jobs to fail, stalling the merge process.
3. And you have to say the word 'submodule' in the commit.
## Upstream repositories
... | ... | @@ -172,7 +106,7 @@ Check out the [Repositories](repositories) page for a full breakdown of all the |
- Describe darcs mirroring for `transformers`
- Sort out what to do about `transformers`
- Describe status of `pretty` which is one-off at the moment and doesn't exactly track upstream.
... | ... | @@ -192,20 +126,6 @@ To accomplish this we configure the submodule projects as follows: |
This ensures that commits can only be pushed to `wip/.*`, which the submodule check linter does not consider as roots.
## Testing submodule changes
The submodule references in the GHC tree pull from a set of mirrors maintained at <https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/packages> (except for Haddock, which is at `https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/haddock` directly; no `packages`). Members of the `ghc` [group](https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc) (i.e. most GHC developers; if you are not currently a member you can request membership by clicking on the "Request Access" link at the [top of the group page](https://gitlab.haskell.org/groups/ghc)) can push branches with the prefix `wip/` to these mirrors to test their changes without merging them upstream. For instance, one might test changes in the `haddock` submodule via,
$ cd utils/contain
$ git checkout -b wip/my-changes
$ git remote add origin-push git@gitlab.haskell.org:ghc/haddock
$ git push origin-push wip/my-changes
One can then push a GHC branch needing `wip/my-changes` and CI will find the commits. Note, however, that this is only for testing purposing. Before the GHC branch can be merged any submodule updates much be first merged upstream.
## Merging submodule changes
The CI pipeline of GHC includes a linting step to ensure that all submodules refer only to "persistent" commits of the upstream repositories (e.g. not `wip/` branches, which may disappear in the future). Specifically, the linter checks that any submodules refer to commits that are reachable by at least one branch that doesn't begin with the prefix `wip/`. The linter is allowed to fail for merge requests but must pass in the final pipeline before the merge request is added to the merge queue.
## Submodule-specific policies
... | ... | |