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  • Edsko de Vries's avatar
    Extend repo config with security settings · 0d9226d6
    Edsko de Vries authored
    This extends `RemoteRepo` with new fields
    ``` haskell
    -- | Enable secure access to Hackage?
    remoteRepoSecure :: Bool,
    -- | Root key IDs (for bootstrapping)
    remoteRepoRootKeys :: [String],
    -- | Threshold for verification during bootstrapping
    remoteRepoKeyThreshold :: Int,
    and modifies the parser accordingly. This does not yet require a dependency on
    the security library.
    NOTE: We suggest to make the security functionality opt-in, rather than
    opt-out, for the first official release. Thus, the 'secure' field will be set
    to 'False' when initializing a `~/.cabal/config` file, and existing
    `~/.cabal/config` files will be interpreted as if they had `secure: False`.