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install-time-with-constraint.test.hs 1.04 KiB
import Test.Cabal.Prelude
-- Test that unqualified command line constraints do not constrain setup
-- dependencies. cabal should be able to install the local time-99999 by
-- building its setup script with the installed Cabal, which depends on the
-- installed time, even though the installed time doesn't fit the constraint.
main = cabalTest $ do
-- TODO: Run this test on Windows once #5187 is resolved.
skipIf =<< isWindows
cabal "new-build" ["time", "--constraint=time==99999", "--dry-run"]
-- Temporarily disabled recording here because output is not stable
recordMode DoNotRecord $ do
-- Constraining all uses of 'time' fails because the installed 'time'
-- doesn't fit the constraint.
r <- fails $ cabal' "new-build" ["time", "--constraint=any.time==99999", "--dry-run"]
assertRegex "Expected cabal to reject the setup dependency on the installed time"
("rejecting: time:setup.time-[0-9.]*/installed-[^[:space:]]* "
++ "\\(constraint from command line flag requires ==99999\\)")