andreas.abel authored
There is a new make file, doc/Makefile that defines these goals: - `check-requirements`: Check `requirements.txt` for security problems (CVEs) using `skjold`. This goal is intended for the "Users guide" CI. SKJOLD_GITHUB_API_TOKEN might have to be set if GITHUB_TOKEN is not in the environment, in order to access the GitHub GraphQL API. - `build-and-check-requirements`: Rebuild `requirements.txt` from `requirements.in` using `pip-compile`, and check with `check-requirements`. This goal is intended for manual invocation. It is invoked from the top Makefile via goal `users-guide-requirements`. Alternatively, these goals could be coupled with the doc build `make users-guide`. However, since these goals require a couple of seconds to run, I think it is annoying to call them on every build of the documentation.
andreas.abel authoredThere is a new make file, doc/Makefile that defines these goals: - `check-requirements`: Check `requirements.txt` for security problems (CVEs) using `skjold`. This goal is intended for the "Users guide" CI. SKJOLD_GITHUB_API_TOKEN might have to be set if GITHUB_TOKEN is not in the environment, in order to access the GitHub GraphQL API. - `build-and-check-requirements`: Rebuild `requirements.txt` from `requirements.in` using `pip-compile`, and check with `check-requirements`. This goal is intended for manual invocation. It is invoked from the top Makefile via goal `users-guide-requirements`. Alternatively, these goals could be coupled with the doc build `make users-guide`. However, since these goals require a couple of seconds to run, I think it is annoying to call them on every build of the documentation.
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pyproject.toml 496 B
# https://pythonawesome.com/security-audit-python-project-dependencies-against-security-advisory-databases/
sources = ['github', 'gemnasium', 'pyup']
report_only = false
# ALT: true # Report only, always exit with zero.
report_format = 'cli'
# ALT: 'json' # Output findings as `json`. Default is 'cli'.
verbose = true
cache_dir = '.skjold_cache'
cache_expires = 43200 # Cache max. age. (43200 = 12hrs)
ignore_file = '.skjoldignore'