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  • Duncan Coutts's avatar
    Go back to the plan.json reflecting only env inputs · 602a5434
    Duncan Coutts authored
    In particular it will not reflect the status of the build, ie it will
    list all the source packages and their configuration but not say if
    they're already installed in the store.
    There's a slightly vauge principle at work here, that we should
    distinguish between build outputs and build ststus: build outputs
    should be (morally) pure functions of the environment, where as build
    status is about the degree to which the current cached outputs reflect
    the state of the inputs (ie are build outputs up to date or not).
    So in this case that means the plan.json is considered an output and
    thus it should not depend on the state of the store. We can certainly
    provide machine readable status info, but this should be a separate