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  • Edward Z. Yang's avatar
    cabal-install changes for Backpack. · 69cfeec2
    Edward Z. Yang authored
    Here are the main changes:
        New utility function 'fromSolverInstallPlanWithProgress'
        which is a monadic version of 'fromSolverInstallPlan'.
        This is because, with Backpack, the conversion from
        'SolverInstallPlan' to 'InstallPlan' can fail/log.
        OK. A bunch of new information we need to track.
        New fields in 'ElaboratedConfiguredPackage':
            elabInstantiatedWith :: ModuleSubst (for --instantiated-with)
            elabLinkedInstantiatedWith :: IndefModuleSubst (intermediate)
            elabModuleShape :: ModuleShape (for mix-in linking)
        Here is how all the dependency functions relate to
        one another:
            elabOrderDependencies :: [UnitId]
                Used for nodeNeighbors, this just specifies what needs
                to be built before we build this module.  These refer
                either to fully instantiated unit ids (hashed unit id)
                or uninstantiated unit ids (effectively component id)
                but never a partially instantiated unit id, since we
                never have an install item in our plan for a partially
                instantiated package.
                These dependencies are factored into two parts:
                which soley are used to determine if we need to enable
                executables/libraries of a package we are building
                (this isn't new)
            elabLibDependencies :: [ComponentId]
                These are the things we pass to Setup using the --dependency
                flag; so they are JUST ComponentId, not a full on UnitId.
                The mix-in linking process in Setup will reconstruct the
                necessary UnitId.
            elabExeDependencies :: [ComponentId]
                These are the things that we must add to the PATH to run.
                At the moment, this coincides with elabOrderExeDependencies.
        For components, there is also:
            compLinkedLibDependencies :: [IndefUnitId],
                The partially instantiated unit ids that GHC would be
                invoked with, if we were invoking it directly.
                This is used when we subsequently instantiate components.
            compNonSetupDependencies :: [UnitId]
                Non-setup, ORDER dependencies; i.e., everything that has
                to be built before us that is not a setup script.
        The workhorse.
        Essentially, we redo all of the steps from
        Distribution.Backpack.Configure, but in the context of planning an
        entire install plan.  The conversion from SolverInstallPlan
        to InstallPlan is responsible for mix-in linking
        (inside elaborateSolverToComponents); afterwards,
        instantiateInstallPlan is responsible for filling in
        the missing, instantiated packages which we need to compile.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEdward Z. Yang <>